
Pursuing Medical Science Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Throughout my education, I prepared to be a leader in medicine, but over the last few years my experiences motivated me to pursue medical science instead. Attending a community college, I developed into an adept learner through working as a writing fellow, tutor, and supplemental instructor. As the first class of a pre-medicine focused middle college, I matured through attending college classes since my sophomore year of high school. The small class size allowed me to develop meaningful relationships with my professors. Following my passion to attend CU Boulder, the vast resources and opportunities of a research university allowed me to build upon my community college experiences. I taught three sections of a molecular and cellular biology supplemental course to gain experience teaching advanced biology while supporting myself by working as a private tutor as well.
While my educational experiences shaped my perspectives of teaching and learning, working as an optometric technician and office …show more content…

My ambitions to help communities in need propels me to lead community service projects with my colleagues. While my immediate focus is on my surrounding community, I aspire to make global changes within my career since my privilege to receive the best medical training would be most beneficial when shared with those in need. Reading about Paul Farmer’s work, I am enthused to lead similar projects that will make meaningful changes in my patients’ lives regardless of political boundaries dividing us. With various educational experiences, I find myself best prepared to educate patients and lead discoveries in science to improve the medicine being used. By improving this upstream aspect of healthcare, I will help provide better treatment to patients everywhere and alleviate patient suffering more than I could as solely a

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