
Push For Feminism Take Home Exam 2

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Push for Feminism Take Home Exam 2
In their respective day, both Maria de Zayas and Emma Watson have been heralded as strong advocates for the promotion of gender equality. Seeing the rampant inequities present in 17th century Spain, the fiction of de Zayas sought to bring about greater justice for women. Similarly, Emma Watson has emerged in contemporary society as a champion of women’s rights and a proud self-proclaimed feminist. From de Zaya’ short story “Ravages of Vice” and Watson’s speech at the 2014 HeForShe Campaign, messages related to feminism, gender equality, and gender justice are presented in a manner that makes their audience re-conceptualize their preconceived notions about the role each gender plays in society. While de Zayas berates men for their treatment of women, Watson takes a gentler tone, asking men to join the cause to promote gender equality. Despite these divergent approaches, as well as the significant temporal, geographic, and cultural differences between the two feminists, the messages of both Watson and de Zayas serve the purpose of advancing gender equality to the benefit of both men and women. Unfortunately, the visions of the two feminists are each beset by several issues that ultimately limit their overall effectiveness.
In her speech before the United Nations on the HeForShe campaign, Emma Watson calls on men to join the movement for advancing gender equality. Pointing out the flaws with typical feminist movements that do not appeal to

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