On September 20, 2014, Emma Watson delivered a speech to the United Nations to address the issue of gender inequality. She spoke to gain support and involvement, to make a difference for something she felt strongly about, by advocating the ‘HeForShe’ campaign. Emma employed all three rhetorical appeals in her speech which gave her an incredibly effective argument. Emma Watson, “one of the most well-known actresses in the world” (“Emma Watson (II)”), is also a very strong and passionate person. She was born in Paris, France, to two English parents. Emma began her acting career when she was six years old, and by age ten, she was cast as Hermione Granger in the highly successful movie franchise, Harry Potter (“Emma Watson (II)”). Emma has always been involved in charitable organizations and assisted in any way she could. Growing up, she asked fans not to send her …show more content…
It is "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” (Watson). By including the definition of feminism, Emma used logos and ethos. She calmly addressed a term that many people feel means something else. When people think of the word feminist they tend to think of a strong-minded, man-hating individual. Emma then implores her audience to understand the word’s true meaning and why she feels it necessary to classify herself as a feminist. “…I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think -- I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and the decisions that will affect my life. I think it is right that socially I am afforded the same respect as men.” (Watson). Her use of parallel structure adds emotional depth to her words and invokes a strong reaction from her audience, what she said became
Stephanie Ericsson categorizes the many ways people lie on a daily basis. She uses a mixture of facts, quotes and opinions to capture the severity of telling a lie. Her article has enabled me to understand the thought process that goes behind telling a lie. She justifies minor lies by using ethos and stating that minor lies prevents hurt feelings and that it is normal to lie. Stephanie frequently asks rhetorical questions to make readers think of the matter at hand. She also uses anaphora to seem more relatable and understanding to her readers. I tell minor lies on a daily basis but I did not realize that there is so many different types of lies. i and many other people often rationalize with ourselves to make our lies seem less harmful when
Watson’s speech depicts feminism as a notion that advocates for equality
Watson uses the rhetorical appeal of ethos and pathos to convince her audience to fight against gender inequality by joining her campaign, HeForShe.
Deconstruction, according to Dictionary.com, is a philosophical and critical movement, that questions all traditional assumptions about the ability of language to represent reality. "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner incites its readers to look for the deeper meaning behind every temporal shift, symbol, and conflict in order to truly understand the author's view about a certain reality.
Gender Equality is Your Issue Too is an empowering speech given by the Harry Potter actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson. Watson gave this motivating speech on gender equality at an event for HeforShe, an organization to help reduce the hypersexualization of societal views. In order to help spread awareness for this cause and for HeforShe, Watson gave this speech that was not only adequate, but strong. Watson is effective in getting her point across and making people think about the issue by using anecdotal evidence, discussing basic “human” rights, and including men into the discussion on gender equality issues. Watson’s speech is effective at getting her point across and making her audience think about the issue.
Advertising was developed first to inform the public of new products launched in the market, then to persuade consumers to buy one brand over another. The giant web Google through the commercial spot titled "Dear Sophie" was able to inform and boast the benefits related to the use of Google Chrome browser in ninety seconds. Convinced that rhetoric can benefit the advertising practice, an analysis of the commercial "dear Sophie" will help understand how the director has used rhetoric and pathos to convince and to evoke emotion from the audience.
Many speeches have been made in support of creating equal rights for all men and women, these including Emma Watsons he-for-she speech that was aired across
Feminism has become an ugly word. Some say it does not even live up to its definition anymore. However, the definition remains unchanged in the pages of history. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary’s definition of Feminism reads, “The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” If one digs deep into this definition, beyond the surface of society’s view on feminism today, one can see that feminism would benefit both sexes. The true ideals of feminism break down gender roles, thus benefitting men, women and future generations.
Her extrinsic ethos is strong. As a well-educated woman who has been world-widely famous for starring in Harry Potter, she has been dedicating her efforts towards the empowerment of young women and also succeeds in confirming her credibility to her audience through siting experiences she has endured relating to the gender-equality issue at hand. Moreover, the audience’s response and expectation should not be neglected during writing. At first glance, it seems that the audience are women who is always considered as disadvantaged group and Emma spoke for them and encouraged them to seek gender equality. But, it is not true. As the campaign’s name suggests, Emma’s speech with the emotional and informal tone and language is to divert public attention and persuade males to be awareness of the importance of getting male involved in helping to end gender
William Faulkner wrote A Rose for Emily to entertain his audience. It is a mysterious read which keeps the reader interested and wanting to know more. Throughout the text Faulkner hints about the misfortunes that surround Emily. The biggest problem that was seemed to be low key addressed is to not judge what you think a person may have or go through because you could be wrong or you could be entirely right. The biggest misfortune that happens to Emily, is that she dies and then the writer gives background and flashes back to what Miss Emily’s life through a third person view to show how the townspeople assumed about Miss Emily’s life. (insert resource #2 thesis part)
She is one of the world’s most famous feminists in the twenty-first century. Since the age of eight, Watson has experienced gender-based assumptions that prepare her for a life of ridicule and degrading. She incorporates habit one in her life at the age of 14 when the press would start to sexualize her. Living a proactive life, her “expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men, and unattractive” (qtd. in Watson 1). In her speech, she describes what her goals are and what her rights should be. Watson began her journey with the end in mind, similar to the lesson habit two teaches. Her goal is to have equal rights for women and men
Feminism, what is it? And how does it affect our society today? Feminist Emma Watson’s moving speech ‘Gender equality is your issue to’ tells us feminism isn't just a thought, it’s a true problem. Feminism is a topic known to many, but rejected by most of society. Watson shows her audience true emotion (Pathos), dedication, and love throughout her speech. She gives a clear aspect of feminism, making her listeners engaged into the topic, wanting to know more (Logos). She invites others into her ideas to ensure that she does not stand alone in this feminist movement (Ethos). Emma Watson is a true feminist trying to make a difference, persuading the audience, pouring her heart out, and believing in the world to join her in her free community.
Emma Watson, best known as a leading actress in the Harry Potter series, gave a speech titled “Gender equality is your issue too” during a HeForShe campaign at the United Nations headquarters in New York City during on September 20, 2014, in attempt to raise awareness about gender inequality. Throughout the speech, Watson attempted to persuade the audience in joining the HeForShe campaign by providing examples of those who have been subject to the burdens of gender inequality – however, this speech could be considered problematic due to Watson’s lack of credibility and failure to include all types of people in our society.
Bothe speeches were delivered at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Emma Watson, at the age of 24, launched a campaign called “HeForShe” on September 20, 2014. She is the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and she was cohosting this event when she gave the speech. She is a famous British actress and has been advocating for gender equality.
Feminism is often seen as a negative word towards women, but it actually represents the gender inequality for both men and women. In 2014, Emma Watson, a twenty-four-year-old British actress, and the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador co-hosted a special event for the UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. Before Watson was a UN Women’s Ambassador, she was known as a strong activist for women’s rights. The importance of the HeForShe campaign, which is a united movement, to spread and inform the gender equality awareness for both men and women to the public. As a speaker, Watson comes across to her audience as credible also reliable because she is a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, she also sends her message across by building a trust relationship with the