
Putting the Puzzle Together: Different Roles in a Business Meeting

Decent Essays

Putting the Puzzle Together There are many different types of roles when in a study group or in a business meeting. According to the book Management Communications: Principles and Practices, 3rd edition (Chapter 10: Managing Meetings) there are at least 10 different roles when doing the “role playing strategy.” There’s “The Joker” who ties to, according to the book “break the ice or insert disguised barbs.” It is pretty much say that though it may not look like he or she is not taking seriously, he or she is. He or she is just pretty much the grenade of the group. There’s “The Gatekeeper” in which to my understanding is the leader sometimes but not always, and he or she tries to keep up to the schedule, according to what the …show more content…

“The Monomaniac” is according to the book “One who rides the same hobbyhorse at every meeting.” I honestly have no idea what that means so I cannot put it in my own words. “The Outsider” is according to Chapter 10 of the book; “Someone who comments and uses body language to covey detachments or contempt” which to my understanding is someone who tries to herd separation or ridicule any negative comments or body language. Finally there’s the leader, the big cheese, the head honcho, (well, you get the idea.) Even though he or she’s isn’t running the meetings all the time, he or she faintly makes the final decision. It also depends on the types of meeting and the context of it. There are always roles in meetings, it is just a matter on how to use them, in other words, use them wisely. When arriving to a meeting, always know what role you will consider playing. There are multiple choices in characters that can be played on any specific occasions and sometimes choosing that role because you’re good at it can determine the success of any goals that the group wants to achieve. It can be successful or it cannot. It all depends of the participations and the knowledge others possess within the group Yes, some roles can have more than one person in the role of one group. There can be multiple critics or gatekeepers. It is possible because information may be gathered a lot faster and it may provide instant, if not, positive feedback and they may also take a

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