
Tda 2.6 Help Improve Own and Team Practice in Schools

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Why teamwork is important in schools
Making a school successful takes more than individual effort, it takes teamwork. Individuals need to work together towards shared goals and commitments focusing on meeting the academic and social needs of all pupils in the school.
Whilst it is important to know and succeed in your own role within the school it is also beneficial to have knowledge of others roles within your team and how you all can work effectively together.
It is crucial for the team to have regular meetings to enable the staff to implement new ideas or plans, solve problems, discuss, prioritise and accomplish important tasks, which in all will benefit the pupil’s education and school experience.

Characteristics of an effective …show more content…

Own role and responsibilities and those of others in the team
My own role and responsibilities as an assistant is to work under the instruction and guidance of the teaching and senior staff. Usually within the classroom with the class teacher, supporting learning for the pupils and providing general support to the teacher in the management of the pupils and the classroom.

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