
Qualitative Research Examples

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One thing is that qualitative data is always a secondary choice to use in the criminal justice field. One example of qualitative data being used would be ethnographic studies which study different deviant subcultures and the relationships these subcultures have within institutions of social control. For example: "The Gang," one of the most important pioneer work in sociological research on youth gangs, SHAW's (1930). Anoth er example of qualitative data would be documentation of data and then process the data that has been collected. For example: observation, interviewing, or both. The data for a qualitative study most often are notes jotted down in the field or during an interview from which the original comments, observations, and feelings are reconstructed or text transcribed from audiotapes. …show more content…

Conceptualization is providing a detailed description of your observations and a sense of why these observations are important. Here is an example: When Adam ran a pushbroom into the feet of the children nearby, I jumped to conclusions about his interactions with other children: aggressive, teasing, arresting. Of course, just a few minutes earlier I had seen him block the children climbing the steps in a similar moment of smiling bombast. So I was aggregating, and testing my unrealized hypotheses about what kind of kid he was, not postponing my interpreting. My disposition was to keep my eyes on him. (p. 74) ( Robert Stake 1995) One example of quantitative data being used in juvenile justice would be minorities often received more formalized treatment, were detained more often, and were placed out of the home more often than their majority counterparts. (C J Corley ; T S Bynum ; A Prewitt ; P Schram, 1996) Quantitative data is used in the criminal system to help describe and explain criminal behavior and social responses to criminal

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