
Qualities Of An American Essay

Decent Essays

The qualities of an American are someone who is patriotic who is loyal and loves their land, and will fix anything in the government if the government is harming people, someone who is industrious, who cares and works for the land, and someone who is persistence, who fights strong for their country, does not give up, and holds on to their beliefs One quality that is essential for an American is showing loyalty to their country and that is patriotism. When someone is patriotic they love their country so and are thankful for the opportunity to have freedom. As St John de Crevecoeur explains about immigrants, “The American ought to love this country much better than that wherein he or his forefathers were born” (16). An immigrant who comes to …show more content…

Thomas Paine’s writes an article to give motivation for people to go fight in the war and he writes, “I love the man that can smile in trouble that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection” (23). An American must be persistent because if a person is in war, it is hard to be confident that his side will win and to smile that everything will be fine, but if he is persistent he pushes himself to the limit and does not give up. And with that trait of determination in the hard times he is stronger than ever. Also, if someone is persistent they fight for what they believe in and every time they someone knocks them down they get right back up and try again. In 1848, Cady Stanton fights for women’s right to vote. She gives a speech and says women should have the rights to vote because they can fix the problems in society that man cannot. The problem is that not everyone agrees with Stanton, so people do not listen to her ideas of women’s rights. She says in her speech, “we shall echo and re-echo in the ears of the unjust judge, until by continual coming we shall weary him” (39). Stanton is trying to prove a point that she will not give up until the judges present the women the right to vote. And that is a true

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