
Quantitative Data Based On Observations

Decent Essays

Vocabulary Assignment 1. Qualitative data: data that are based on observations (interviews and document analysis) not numerical data. By observing the students reading their books, I was able to collect qualitative data to show how well the students grasped the concept. 2. Quantitative data: data that are strictly numerical. After the students take the placement test for entering the school, the quantitative data showing their exact level of reading was formulated and placed into a chart show their projected level of growth. 3. Experimental Research: research that is done using variables that you can manipulate to change outcomes. As a teacher, I completed experimental research using two book topics with separate groups, to determine if the topic of the book, changed the students’ ability to read them accurately. 4. Non-experimental research: research that is done without using variables that can change the outcome. To complete non-experimental research within the classroom, I studied the energy level of the student when they arrived to the school and the amount of students who ate breakfast before they began their studies. 5. Evaluation research: the final recommendations that came from the research completed. After seeing that if students had topics that interested them, they would read better, I made the final evaluation that I should include more books that the students had more interest in. 6. Hypothesis: a prediction of the outcome of an experiment. The students

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