
Queer And Trans People Of Color, Being Queer, By Katy Harrad

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Bisexual people tend to date and have preferences based on society’s terms and categories. Being bisexual can be an exemplifying experience when determining your sexuality for the first time. But being in one of the most marginalized communities within the LGBTQ it can be very hard to navigate relationships from both sides of the spectrum. “Being bisexual can be a marginalizing experience in both queer and hetero spaces” (Rogers 1). Relationships are hard, relationships are harder navigating with a non-monosexual orientation. For this paper I will be reviewing pieces of literature; a blog amplifying the voices of queer and trans people of color, Being Queer and Dating Straight by Kristen Rogers published on January 12, 2016. A magazine article entitled Dating While Bi, by Katy Harrad. As well as a scholarly article journal, Attitudes Toward Casual Sex, Dating, and Committed Relationships With Bisexual Partners by Meridee Wilson. I will explore the different types of relationships and how society will affect a bisexuals dating habit and how people will perceive the relationship depending on who the person is dating. Website Content and Coverage The audience for the website is geared toward the general public. The information is primary in nature, since this is her view point and her background information. This does provide an in-depth information on a specific topic since this is the story from the author’s perception. The page does not link to other reputable sources

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