
Questions And Answers

Decent Essays

1. I agree with the statements made about how sometimes it is okay to lie to your children. For example, telling a child their pets go to a better place in heaven when they pass away where they can chase all the squirrels they want is better than saying the morbid truth. Children are very impressionable and how parents word things and explain life experiences could really shape them as adults. That is why I believe it would be better to tell little white lies in order to preserve their innocence and spare them the unnecessary trauma of death at the age of three.
2. I want to know more about what it would have been like to grow up with the stories of Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny. Growing up, my parents told me the truth from the …show more content…

To this day I struggle with math, but because I was able to get those basic concepts in my brain due to video games, I was able to pass my college algebra class with an A 10 years later.
3. I want to know more about how this technology could tell teachers and parents more about what a child is learning than a standardized test. Growing up with TAKS, STAAR, SATs, and ACT tests, I know how stressful they are and how much pressure is put on the students to perform. I have never been a strong advocate for such cut and dry tests that are identical for every student. I am very curious on how technology could remedy these tests and possible even replace them.

4. I agree that emojis and GIFs are the new popular way to communicate and express certain emotions. Personally, I would not speak in all GIFs and emoticons when texting another person, but they do add flare and humor to a conversation. I do not feel it is always appropriate to use these texting options when it is not appropriate. For example, I would never start blasting my boss’s phone with funny GIFs when we were having a conversation about work. There is a place for such devices but knowing when it is appropriate and not appropriate is definitely vital.
5. This reminds me of when texting first became popular back when I was in 6th grade. Many older generations hated the way teenagers texted in abbreviations such as “omg, Ttyl, wyd.”

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