At the beginning of this semester, I hoped to know what the college writing was like and learn more information about science and technology. I want to improve my reading skills to read faster and more precise. Also, I hoped to know how to use the library to find resources, which is the best way to paraphrase and the formal citation style. Lastly, I hoped I could be a better writer at the end of this semester and build a good foundation for the future writing. During this semester, I have completed four projects and lots of class work. The topic of the first project is Technological Learning Narrative. I wrote the particular memoir to share my stories and understanding about science and technology from my daily life in the Project 1. The topic of the second project is Cultural Artifact Analysis. I choose to write chopsticks on this project because I want to explore the Chinese culture by analyzing the chopsticks. The third topic that took me the most time and effort is Disciplinary Literacies. I discussed the literacy skills of lawyer career in that essay because there are many motives for exploring the legal profession and law itself before actually entering law school. The discussion on law seek to understand the application of reading, writing and information sharing as key competencies of a career in law. The fourth project is a group project and our group did a remix video about the development of the camera.
There are lots of steps before I finished a final essay. At
Throughout the course of freshmen year I have developed different skills and opinions on writing. I feel I have created a more mature style of writing and a better understanding of literature. I have changed my view of writing over this semester and acquired a strong liking for it. The importance of writing has become more visible throughout the past few months. Writing is crucial in many aspects of a person’s life. I have grown to be a more powerful and well built writer throughout this course.
Over the course of this semester, I have learned many things to improve my writing. Having taken the course before, this semester has been an excellent opportunity to expand on my existing knowledge. Although I had written many essays before, there is still much to be learned and improved. Two factors of writing that I had learned or improved on this semester were transitions/topic sentences and how to properly structure a conclusion paragraph.
This year I have learned a lot from College Writing, this class has taught me a lot about my own writing and what makes a good essay. I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and as a person throughout the course. In this reflection of the past semester I will be going through my past papers and talk about what I liked and how I could’ve made them better. I will also be going through the activities that have shaped my writing the most. Hopefully, I will be representing how I have grown as a writer throughout the year because of this class. Before taking this class I was already relatively confident in my writing abilities and was excited to take the class. Now that the course is completed I am even more confident in my writing because of all the new techniques and helpful tips I learned.
In “How Do I Write a Text for College” (The World is a Text, 2006), Patty Strong said that writing in in college is much more different than writing in high school and so as the purpose of it. In high school student were told to write texts depending on their prior knowledge while on an institution of higher education students have the flexibility to write not only about what they already learnt but what they are trying to learn. In addition, writing in college requires a higher level of critical thinking and understanding, but it will unequivocally expand their knowledge.
In Freshman Composition I learned what metacognition means, and how it applies to academic writing. Next I learned about textual evidence and backing up your opinions with research. *I expect this class to help develop my writing skills, as well as find my voice in writing, all together I expect this class to be challenging but rewarding. Therefore I have set a few goals for myself, my first goal is to step out of my comfort zone and research topics I have never heard of before. My second goal is to not second-guess myself on my writing topics and/or choices. Furthermore I expect great things to come from this
Connell, C. M., & Sole, K. (2013). Essentials of college writing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education,
The past two semesters were great experiences. Within this past school year my knowledge as a reader and writer has improved. It felt like it was just yesterday, when I had a lot of difficulty writing and poor reading strategies. Now, as I said before, I am an improved writer and reader. The assignments and class activities over the two semesters were great benefits to me, and helped me make progress towards the first year learning goals.
#1. The dirt considered living because it has all the kingdoms of life in it.
I’m looking forward to this semester. I can’t wait to learn different skills to better help me develop my college writing. I tend to be really enthusiastic about learning, since throughout my entire life I looked forward to having a career. I want to develop a stronger vocabulary and writing to better demonstrate myself to others. This course will help me prepare for the examination dates coming up. In addition, this is my second semester at LaGuardia Community College; so far everything has been going great. It was a nice transition from high school to college, yet difficult at the same time. I had to start doing things like an adult and no longer like a child. I look forward to my experience at the community college,
My goals for this semester is to improve my spelling skill, and learn how to get the introduction paragraph start.
While attending writing class, I learned about the 4 steps in writing, bases for revising, organizing, and connecting specific information, and I also learned about the different types of essays such as descriptive, narrative, process, cause and effect and argumentative essay. I have been a student at Milwaukee Area Technical College for 1 semester, and over the course of my enrollment I have grown and learned more that I knew prior to attending this writing course. Participating in this writing class has taught me so much more than stuff about literature and language, it has taught me another way of expressing myself. I have learned here how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don 't know. Most importantly I have learned how important technique, outlines and organization are. My goal in this paper is to inform writers about how my writing skills have improved.
Think about your experiences of writing at college. Which types of assignments have you found helpful in strengthening your writing skills? Where do you want to improve your writing? What’s the most useful advice you’re received that’s helped you improve your writing. Be as specific as possible.
Science and technology are two very different, but two very similar things. Technology and science are both advancing at a very rapid speeds, which means everyday they rely on each other more and more. Science and technology are in deed interdependent. Science is used in technology, and technology is used in science. Both are important to our society today, and together, they have affected people’s lives all over the world.
This study was conducted on South Padre Island, Texas,along the extreme southern portion of the Texas Gulf Coast
I believe I have achieved most of the course learning objectives as I pass this class with a c or higher. I undertook the writing process we learned in class and it has helped me become a better writer. Before I entered my freshman year of college I didn’t know how to write. But as I undertook the writing process I was taught in class I now know how to write. First when it came to writing my assignment papers for my class I grabbed a notebook and did prewriting . I brainstormed a list of ideas for my papers. I then had a plan on everything I was going to write about. I then sit down and write my first draft. I make sure my first paragraph is a strong