
Quotes From The Merchant Of Venice

Decent Essays

Analysis of Lines 29 to 127(Act1 Scene 3) from ‘The Merchant Of Venice’
The Enmity between Christians and Jews.

The Enmity between Christians and Jews is first revealed in this passage by Shylock’s tetchy, sarcastic reply to Bassanio. Bassanio politely invites Shlock to dinner and Shylock replies sarcastically saying, “Yes, to smell pork…” He further separates himself from Bassanio by referring to, “…your prophet, the Nazarite.” Also, in an irritated way, he lists the things he is prepared to do with Christians, and the things he in not prepared to do. In this passage, “I will buy with you…nor sell with you”, Shylock repeats the word ‘YOU’ Eight times, making it sound like an accusation, not only against Bassanio, but all Christians, for wronging …show more content…

Antonio describes Shylock as a devil in disguise, because the devil Also tried to trick Jesus using the bible. This conveys to the the reader, that Antonio thinks that Shylock is a wicked person, guided by his own self-interest. He even goes to the extent of saying that Shylock is an evil soul, producing holy witness, just to get what he wants. The use of the simile, “A goodly apple, rotten at the heart.” Tells us that Antonio is warning Bassanio that what may seem nice and good on the outside, could be bad and evil on the inside. This is the first instance we see Antonio show a bit of resentment towards Shylock. After seeing what these two men have said about each other, it is no surprise that one of them is Jewish(Shylock) and the other a …show more content…

As the reader, I observed that Shylock used the word “You” twelve times between lines 27 and 123. This is Shylock’s second time doing this.

Antonio’s response was astonishing. It revealed him to be an arrogant, cruel and heartless creature, who has no regard for other peoples’ feelings. When Antonio says; “I am as like to call thee so again, to spit on thee again, to spurn thee too.” This evidently shows the reader that Christians thought of themselves as superior to Jews. They thought that they were above Jews and could treat them however they wanted. The reader’s opinion of Antonio changes so suddenly, from the protagonist everyone loves, to a mean, arrogant and racist Christian.

In this short extract, the hatred in the lines radiates off the page. The reader is given a clear picture of how Racial discrimination was so evident in those days. The hostility and hatred between Christians and Jews is very well presented and written. It allows the reader to further understand how life was back then and how it may or may not have changed. The author’s use of language and literary devices was cleverly used to show the reader what he was trying to

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