
Racial Discrimination Against Minorities Within The American Workforce Essay

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Racial discrimination against minorities within the American workforce is evident. Structural racism is the cause of why qualified minorities lacking opportunities, while lesser-qualified White-Americans are hired. This paper will discuss what structural racism is, how it plays into racial discrimination against qualifieded minorities, what can be done to prevent further racial profiling, and briefly touch on the adverse effects racial prejudice has on the economy.
Keywords: structural racism, qualified minorities, racial discrimination
Demographics and Social Issue Effects on the Economy
Demographics, as a statistical utility, is data relating to the population and different groups within it. As demographics relate to business, it is a group of customers who are of similar socioeconomic distinctions, including race, age, family size, educational and income level, to name a few. Social issues are communal conditions that agitate or bane society— racism, crime, poverty. Social issues include the unsolved problems and the situations that cause conflict in society. Social issues give a clear understanding of the direction the society is going in. Popular social issues include environmental change, gay rights, immigration, and healthcare. Less broadcasted social issues that are becoming more intertwined are racism and the increasing amount of diversity amongst educated people. Structural racism, refers to racist attitudes that exclude minorities from institutions and

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