
Racial Discrimination Against Muslim Americans

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In this world there are many uncertainties, but one sure thing is that all men were created equal. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” In God’s eyes every human being is one, regardless of racial, ethnic, physical, or social differences (Galatians 3:28). This is the very mission of Social work. America today is opportunity, and yet a majority of its population is underprivileged and discriminated. One of the populations that experience a brunt of this racial discrimination is the Muslims, and the biggest reason for this is a lack of understanding. People tend to be so blinded by their fear, anger and discomfort that they fail to study who the Muslim people really are. If I was honest, I fail in much the same area. As a social worker, if the Lord called me to work with the Muslim people there would be several things I would need to do as preparation. For example, I would want to study their culture, religion and traditions. I would definitely need to confront my personal bias against the Muslim population, and study the various approaches and methods of intervention that might be effective when working with the Muslim people.
If the Lord called me to work with the Muslim people, here in America, I …show more content…

I need to be careful not to blame my client for hateful acts, which they were not involved with. Thus, pouring more salt into my already victimized client, which would hurt me as a social worker as well. With blaming, I also need to be careful to resist projecting my feelings also. As a Social worker, I am called to be an advocator and empowerer. How can I accomplish my very purpose, if I cannot even be authentic in my helping relationships? Even more so, how can I project Christ through my life as a Christian social worker, if all I do is judge and blame the very people I am trying to

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