
Racial Discrimination

Decent Essays

Racial Discrimination. One of the most common illegal practices conducted by employers happen to deal with the applicants or employee’s race. In this case, African Americans tend to be the most victimized. A new study on the effects of race on hiring decisions and employers’ treatment of job applicants in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by Devah Pager, a sociologist at Northwestern University, was conducted by dividing job applicants into four groups. Both white and black applicants were grouped as those who presented themselves as ex-convicts, and those who did not present themselves as having a criminal record (Price, L). According to the article, the study focused on the probability that any of the applicant would be called back for a job interview. After the study, whites without a criminal record were most likely to be invited back recorded 34% and blacks with a criminal record were the least likely at 5% (Price, L). Also, the study found that only 14% of blacks without a criminal record were called back for an interview among those who did not present themselves as having a criminal record —less than the 17% of whites that did have a criminal record (Price, L). There might be some objections that, because this study was done in just one city, it cannot represent the whole nation. But according to Price, there is no reason to believe that employers in Milwaukee are more likely to discriminate than employers in the rest of the country (Price, L). Also, a new study was conducted by

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