
Racial Health Inequity

Decent Essays

“Social justice is a matter of life and death” (WHO, 2008). This was a statement made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in their Commission on the Social Determinants of Health. This statement illustrates the impact that power, privilege, and oppression can have on an individual’s life, and ultimately their health. Health inequity is largely rooted in ageism, classism, sexism, homophobia and racism, this inequity is apparent in the differential outcomes seen across the respective demographics (McGibbon, 2012). Racial health inequity is a systemic and persistent issue in the United States of America; and the disparity in outcome, access and quality of healthcare afforded to White and non-White patients is significant. In America, people of color: have higher rates of non-genetic illnesses, are less likely to have health insurance or a usual source of health care, and show greater mortality rates from cancers that are controllable with early diagnosis and treatment (Russell, 2010). In this essay, I will claim that racial oppression in healthcare and the general society create and perpetuate racial health inequity; whilst also acknowledging the role that intersectionality plays in this issue. Furthermore, I will use tools of philosophy and social psychology to present ways to reduce the disparity in healthcare - focusing on the implicit biases of healthcare providers and stereotype threat experienced by minority patients.
Racial discrimination has been exceptionally

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