
Racial Inequality And Socioeconomic Inequalities Essay

Decent Essays

In class we have been focusing on the topic of racial and socioeconomic inequalities, and how they are demonstrated in todays society. Both are issues that have improved over the years but are stuck in a pretty bad place right now. We need to become aware of these issues and be willing to make changes to see progress and equality across the United States.
White privileges are the unearned advantages and immunities that white people benefit from on a daily basis. A lot of times people don’t realize that they have these advantages because they still have to work for what they want, and are still faced with challenges everyday. White privilege does not mean that white people have life easy and never have obstacles to face or that they don’t deserve what they do have, it just means that they don’t have to face the same obstacles as minorities do. I think its important that more people are informed of their unearned privileges so that they do not take advantage of them unintentionally. White privilege is something that minorities can easily see because they 're the ones facing the disadvantages. While whites tend to be pretty oblivious of it because its never taught or recognized, we only learn about the disadvantages of others. White privilege and racial inequality is something you see everyday in education, jobs , housing, and so many other situations. If more people become more aware of all the sides of racial inequality and what part everyone plays in it as an individual,

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