
Racism In Friday Night Lights

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Racism was a consistent theme throughout the entirety of Friday Night Lights (2015) and was intertwined with many of the issues and concepts discussed here. Odessa held onto its racial ideologies for much longer than it should have, even with Federal lawsuits against them (Bissinger, 2015; pg. 107 & Coakley, 2015; pg. 227). These beliefs were deeply held and acted upon that they still were intact even after the desegregation of the schools. The Southside of Odessa had been and continued to be classified as the low-income and minority side of town where the blacks and Hispanics lived, while the East side was for the wealthy and white citizens. The railroad tracks that ran through the heart of town served as the “divider” for this segregation, or as Lanita Akins called it: “The American version of the Berlin Wall (Bissinger, 2015; pg. 99).” The physical separation wasn’t the only racial issue that Odessa had. Blacks and Hispanics were both quite underrepresented in Permian High, only making up about 31% of the student body (Bissinger, 2015; pg. 175). The black population of Odessa seemed to get the blunt end of the racial stigma though, which is especially seen at the beginning of chapter 5 with the use and explanation of why some Odessans used the word …show more content…

It was also common for Texas high school football as a whole. These behaviors were seen both off and on the field and included extreme play against the opposing team, drinking, drug use, fighting, hubris, and institutional corruption (Bissinger, 2015 & Coakley, 2015). Off-field behavior included mainly drinking and getting into fights, though the citizens of Odessa even went as far as shooting a gun inside a bar at one point. The player’s drinking had become bad enough that an anonymous letter frowning upon that behavior found its way into their lockers while they were in the playoffs (Bissinger, 2015; pgs.

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