
Racism: The Consideration Of Neighborhoods

Decent Essays

The articles all grapple with measuring these concepts, they struggle with questions of how much racism is internal or external; how much racism explicit or implicit; how much racism should be analyzed on the individual-level or the group-level. However, this is not the only measure that these studies in discrimination struggle with.
In Consideration of Neighborhoods
In the preceding studies racism is analyzed over Designated Market Areas (DMAs,) district, but there are looming questions on whether these geographic designations are salient to the diversity of racist experiences. In the field of SES Research at-large the question on what is a neighborhood, what geographic space is salient for in-community SES comes up often. Not even considering the added complexities of racial segregation and hyper-segregation. The articles presented try to capture this reality by adjusting for urbanicity and dissimilarity indexes however this does not address the issue of geosocial space even at the broader level. Or of social capital, as other articles brought up previously.
In Consideration of Behavior and Self-Regulation …show more content…

For instance, as we’ve seen in Gregory E. Miller’s study we’ve seen that self-control and the affirmation of healthy behaviors does not completely protect from negative health outcomes. Minority children who expressed self-control but existed in constant exposure stress factors and unhealthy behaviors had poorer cardiovascular health. The article Coping with Racism: A Selective Review of the Literature and Theoretical and Methodological critique by Elizabeth Brondolo et. Al suggests a couple more coping strategies including the formation of an identity, social support, and confrontation and

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