
Racism: The Uk's Epidemic Aleisha Omeike

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Racism: the UK's epidemic Aleisha Omeike

In the words of British writer and politician Trevor Phillips, we are "sleepwalking towards segregation", our society is ignorant, blinded and oblivious. Britain is not doing nearly enough to combat racial prejudice. All because skinheads no longer march the streets promoting white pride, many people assume that we live in an ethnically harmonious country.
We do not. And Although there are many people of authority aware of this, they appear incognizant of the matter.

Racism is defined by the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another and it has continued to infect the UK greatly in recent years. Hate crime is motivated by a number of different things including gender, sexual …show more content…

It undoubtedly has had absolutely no affect on racists in Britain. The act has not stopped discrimination one bit. Some people use the recent flood of migrants to our country to condone their xenophobia, they claim immigrants are overpopulating the United Kingdom because they can see ‘foreigners' everywhere. First of all the UK is not overpopulated, it's crowded. Secondly, you cannot see ‘foreigners' - unless they have a copy of their birth certificate or passport stapled onto their heads, which I'm sure they do not. You cannot possibly know someone’s nationality by glancing at them. This makes it obvious that people of this nature only see colour - and they condemn immediately - which makes them racist. Others try to justify the racism in the UK by stating "we're not as bad as America". We are, the only difference is that inequality in the UK is kept secret. It's insidious, underground and hidden. American authorities acknowledge the fact that their society is still dealing with everyday racism, this makes the country appear a lot more divided. It's very ignorant to use another country’s state in order to ameliorate your own country’s division. The UK must get a grip, grab hold of the issue, and eradicate

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