
Racism Vs Immigration

Decent Essays

Us Americans have been quite retaliate towards the difference in race and nationality of people. Do we accept the fact that immigrants are flooding the United states ? That they're gaining more rights than we think they should? Or even yet, all the colored men and women, the Mexicans, and the African Americans. Are we ready to accept that every citizen in the U.S, no matter the race or nationality, will be one big ¨mixing pot¨ ? Read more below to reveal the questions that lie within you…
The similarities between these two interesting, yet formal stories is that they both talk about equality of people in the U.S. these two stories explain that America has become involved discrimination and racism which has undermined the concept of unity. We get so caught up about immigrants flooding the United states, but in reality, we’re all actually descendants of Immigrants.So really, we should have …show more content…

It explains that without immigrants, America would be a car on empty. Without all the immigrants that joined the U.S, there would be no one to run the factories and warehouse, someone needs to do it. In Immigrant contribution, “Immigration provided the Human resources”. In Quilt of a Country, they get across in their story is that in the rough times, or the lovely times, we have come together as one. “Other countries with such divisions have in fact divided into new nations with new names, but not this one, impossibly interwoven even in it’s hostilities”. They also point out that America is split into bits and pieces, everyone has their own interests and personalities. They also state, “What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fistcuffs with another, blacks and whites, gays and straights, left and right, Pole and Chinese and Puerto Rican and

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