
Racquetball Research Paper

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elderly person's stability, which helps prevent falls from occurring in the first place. And the more that an elderly person moves, the less inflammation that they will have too. This is very important because inflammation is a major contributor to seniors getting chronic diseases, so if it is reduced, they can stay healthier for many years to come.

Except for a few rare exceptions, most elderly people need more gentle forms of exercise to keep them strong and flexible in their later years. That is why senior fit is the perfect class for them to join. It will help them to meet other seniors that are their age while they have loads of fun staying in shape. And the instructor can help tailor the exercises to their individual needs. So if an elderly person is having trouble standing, they can have chair exercises adapted for them. …show more content…

It gives a person a combination of strength training and cardio at the same time because of all of the running, bending, and lunging that it requires. Just one session of racquetball gives a person almost their entire amount of activity that they need for a day, since forty minutes of playing leads to almost 7,000 footsteps. One game also burns about 500 calories. So if a person plays racquetball every day, they can burn more calories than they could with a standard workout routine.


This unusual sport is very similar to volleyball. But it is played indoors in a racquetball court instead of outside. It has very different rules than volleyball too. And it often takes most volleyball players several months of practice before they can get used to playing it differently. Instead of focusing on a net, this game uses the surrounding walls to ricochet the ball into the opponent's court. The ball has to keep moving back and forth, so it gives a person quite a workout to play. And this isn't easy because the ball for this game is softer than a regular volleyball is.

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