
Rainsford Quotes

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As Rainsford holds his breath, awaiting to figure if General Zaroff can spot him, his muscles are tense, and the composure is slipping away as it is his last grasp to save his humanity. Falling off his yacht, Rainsford, rapidly swimming in a form of desperation to save his life, he falls for the trap General Zaroff has used to capture hundreds of other victims, leading him to the island where he fights for his life. This short story shows how Rainsford, the protagonist, goes through his struggles of being hunted, when he is used to being the hunter. Not only does he face damage physically, but emotionally as well. Rainsford now has to recall his skills in hunting, as he is being challenged by the antagonist, who’s elevated ego is evident. In …show more content…

Before General Zaroff explicitly tells Rainsford that he will be hunted, he implies this through various quotes, one being “‘My dear fellow, have I not told you I always mean what I say about hunting?... Your brain against mine. Your woodcraft against mine. Your strength and stamina against mine’” (7). Through dialogue, General Zaroff refers to “you” as Rainsford, for he is directly speaking to the protagonist. This text from “The Most Dangerous Game,” further proves how (man v man***re-word) is present. General Zaroff continues to attempt and persuade the protagonist why hunting each other would prove challenging for each other, but the antagonist only states positive reasons through his perspective, not the …show more content…

Due to the fact Rainsford is being hunted by General Zaroff in a jungle/rainforest setting, there would be many inconveniences for both, the protagonist and antagonist. Lack of food, pestering insects, and ferocious animals were shown throughout the story, but it held no negative effect on Rainsford, for he was victorious in the end. “‘I suggest, too, that you avoid the big swamp in the southeast corner of the island. We call it Death Swamp’” (7). This quote from page 7 shows how Rainsford struggles with outside forces, because of locations such as Death Swamp, which took the lives of many others. Rainsford would soon discover the power nature can play to affect the plot. General Zaroff used the powers of nature, not only through Death Swamp, but through hunting dogs as well. The antagonist attempted to hunt Rainsford through many hunting dogs. Rainsford, quick to the challenge, sets up traps to eliminate the dogs, and was successful in doing so. Not only are natural forces brutal, but the challenges one can face with themselves prove an equal or onerous

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