
Ramon Monologue

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Ramona rolled over and glances to her right she sees a shining light coming from her phone. Although it was dark outside she heard sirens, but that is all the time in New York City. She reaches for her phone but knocks over a picture of herself, her mother, , father, and some random girl that she does not remember ever seeing. This is the only reminder of what her parents look like. But maybe that could be from just never seeing them, seeing as they are always away. This time Paris, But they always failed to take her with them. “Lock all the windows,doors,and your room door… Everything!” Ramona reads this text from her father, shook. Ramona arose from her bed thinking why’d he call in such a panic… all the while Dismissing the fact that she has forgotten what he looks like. She wisecracks “How, what, and why should I Listen to you… as if you and mom have actually been here for me!!” “Ramona do as told, then call me! This is no time for fun and games.” The dial tone seems as if it took forever although when she looked at the phone it echoed three seconds. Another bing from her phone comes in “Ramona! Look outside the window… Do you see that , Monster?” Ramona reluctantly answers “Dad …show more content…

Around 6 o'clock he leaves to take a bathroom break but he leaves the keys on the floor. Ramona uses this long stick that is sharp that she has perfected over the last year by shaving it on the stone. She gets control of the keys and frees her and Amanda. She began to review this place where she has spent some of her final years as a teen. But at least she was leaving here with a sister. The Watcher returns from his break. Amanda confidently announces “Hey! You’re going to be sorry that you did this to us, Just wait until we tell the police where you guys are.” Ramona slowly creeps up then…. BAM! She used the stone sharpened piece to hit The Watcher with. “We are going to be alright!” Ramona

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