
Rap Clutter In Communication

Better Essays

Writing is a gateway that links the abstract to reality. It is the non-confidential confessor to our innermost thoughts. This art and science is an outlet for our emotions. Sometimes where our hands and thoughts are very cooperative, it is easy to write things down. Unfortunately, there are trying times when nothing at all that can persuade or coax this intricate relationship into working. The frustration that arises from not being to get past the first few words makes it essential to learn a few techniques to bridge you from one sentence to the other. An effective technique I have come across is the brain dump (Janet, 2016). It involves putting down the ideas in your head. Any thought on your subject is written down, whether it is complete or just a hanging idea. This tool facilitates me to realize mental clarity by picking and eliminating non-essential thoughts. I list down mental clutter on paper and this frees up some thinking space (Janet, 2016). Mental clutter is the thoughts in our head that arise from all the external stimuli that eat away at our concentration (Langan, 2013). After writing down these thoughts, I pick out the most …show more content…

There is no point in typing on the keyboard if you are not going to be understood. To achieve effective communication an author needs to empathize with the reader. It is important that a writer becomes sensitive to their audience and creates rapport with them (audience) right from the first paragraph. Empathy enables the writer to look at whatever they are writing about from a different perspective (Henneke, 2016). Understanding how your prospective reader will approach your work enables you to focus on the thoughts and beliefs that inform their position. In my experience, it goes a long way improving my creative process. I am now able to effectively communicate my point of view with the input and understanding of my audience.This has gradually made my work more

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