
Rational Choice Theory : Capital Punishment And Rational Choice Theory

Decent Essays

Question 1: Capital Punishment and Rational Choice Theory
In the modern world, abhorrent crimes result in major effects such as deaths and injuries. Examples include terrorism where there are multiple casualties. The law, while developing punishment for the offenders, presents the verdict to the individual in different ways such as jail sentence. However, in crimes involving serious impacts, capital punishment is considered a major verdict which is described as the practice of killing an offender as a result of their crimes. This punishment, also referred as death penalty, is inflicted upon following judicial procedure. The foundation for passing this verdict can be explained through the classical criminology which in the modern version is referred as rational choice theory (RCT). Notably, the foundation for inflicting death penalty judgment is according to the assumptions and arguments of RCT.
RCT is centered on the argument that criminal actions are not determined by environmental, psychological or biological factors which prompt the offender to commit the crime. The main assumption of this theory is that an individual’s actions are willingly and voluntarily executed by the person (Hastie & Dawes, 2010). According to RCT, offenders have a rational choice to make before committing a crime. Prior to committing the crime, an individual employs their logic to evaluate their options and make a decision on the action course. This assumption argues that the offender use their

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