
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

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In the article, Banks and Zoints discuss how children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral issues are positively affected by the implementation of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) in school settings, specifically children and adolescents who are categorized as special education students (Banks & Zoints, 2008). REBT incorporates philosophical, psychological and educational elements which are relatively easy for educators to integrate in the classroom with students (Zoints, 1996). Designed by Ellis to address the emotional and behavioral problems that have psychological aspects, REBT also includes sociological, ideological and biological facets of an individual’s perception of the world in which he or she resides. REBT is especially …show more content…

54). The studies examined included a focused study of middle school African American students who were considered to be high at-risk pupils (Sapp, Farrell, & Durand, 1995). Using the Wide Range Achievement Test-R (WRAT-R) assessment (Jastak, Wilkinson, & Jastak, 1984), as well as a number of other counseling tools, Sapp and his colleagues were able to correlate found evidence to prove the hypotheses which identifies the relationship between self-esteem and self-conception in academic environments (Sapp, Farrell & Durand, 1995). Evidence within this particular article, as well as the other articles researched by Banks and Zoints, is indicative of research that is ethically guided by the deontological approach with the intention of focusing on beneficence (i.e. the ethically moral principle of what is better for children and adolescents in educational settings) with non-maleficence (i.e. unintentional harm) to those involved (Banks & Zoints, 2008; Houser, …show more content…

However, the integration of interventions involved is seldom implemented, especially in public schools. Although students with emotional disturbances may or may not be identified, students would be better served if the curriculum incorporated skills or techniques to be used for ways to cope with dilemmas when faced with irrational ideation. Teachers would also better serve students when he or she is also appropriately trained to effectively integrate components of REBT into lessons, as this approach is likely to support educational endeavors while curbing emotional and behavioral disorders relating to irrational beliefs or thoughts of students (Patton, 1995). Still, further research is required, as careful consideration to the “characteristics of students” must be scrutinized prior to implementing strategies used for REBT with children and adolescents (Banks & Zoints, 2008). In other words, using components of REBT should involve a determination of whether or not the students are likely to comprehend its contents and be equipped with the knowledge of how to apply it to his or her life (Banks,

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