
Raventos i Blanc Company Essay

Decent Essays

Raventós i Blanc Company deal in production of cavas and wines. The main objective of this company is to acquire an international status, but it has been a complex task for the managers. The company is very outstanding in producing high quality product, but its brands are not recognised internationally. In addition the company lacks an exceptional positioning. Initially, lots of money was spent on starting up the company but the expected results were not met because cava market was very small.
Raventós i Blanc Company deal in production of cavas and wines. Acquiring an international status of its brand is the main objective and goal but the possibility, the ways and the means of doing at remains an easier said than done task …show more content…

There are also other brands like Crémants, Franciacorta and the Champagnes produced using the Champagne Method preferred in regard to cavas, because most people distinguish that the brands are of high quality. The worth difference between the Crémants and the quality cavas can be attributed to brand recognition and professed quality picture.

Cava, like most fresh wines, can be drunk at festivities like Christmas, New
Year’s Eve, at birthday’s parties, anniversaries and during special moments. This is indicated by the fact that most sales are made in the last quarter of the year. Over 5$ million sales and about 900000 sales of bottles can be sold on a good year. On the other hand it has a good capital base of distributor because over 80% of income is sourced from around fifty distributors in Spain.

Sometimes the company has to compete with intermediary market groups, since it does not face up to the magnificence wine brands or the popular, low-priced brands. There is also competition from Europe more especially among the French and Italian businesses. Competition also comes from producers of cava and wines produced in other areas like Italy for instance Cal del Bosco. Some fresh wine consumers look for high-quality product with custom and history, but not essentially looking for a high brand image. There is also the fear of collapsing due to confusion whether to continue producing cava or

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