
Ray Bradbury's Short Story 'A Sound Of Thunder'

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Always be alert and aware of what is going on, especially in a high risk situation. If feelings of doubt or worry come, abandon the situation. For there is constantly going to be consequences to every decision, and they can be good or extremely bad. In Ray Bradbury’s short story “A Sound of Thunder,” the main character is murdered and the future is changed because of Eckles’ own stupidity, the anger of the safari guide, and the lax screening process of Safari, Inc. Unfortunately, Eckles thoughts were clouded by his fear which unenviable caused his murder. Eckles’ irresponsible actions lead to his death. He was scared, and he should have gone back to the time machine, when he realized that he could not handle the situation. Instead, …show more content…

He threatened to leave Eckles there, for he was afraid that Eckles had changed the future. When they returned to 2055, it looked the same as it did when they left. However, something was different. Eckles checked the bottom of his shoe, and to his surprise, he saw a dead butterfly stuck in the mud. Eckles was distraught. Travis pulled his gun on Eckles and shot him. However, the lax screening process also played a part in the murder of Eckles. Safari Inc. didn't make a screening test to help prepare the Eckles for the hunt. Therefore, Eckles didn't know how to control himself in such dangerous circumstances. When the dinosaur was running towards them, he did not know what to do, so without even knowing, he stepped off the path. Which made Travis so mad to the point that he shot Eckles. In conclusion, there are consequences to every action. So when making decisions, always think about what the consequences may be. For Eckles didn't do that, so consequently he changed history forever and caused his murder. His stupidity, the safari guide, and the lax of Safari Inc. screening all played a tremendous role in the death of Eckles. Therefore pay attention to what you are doing and always listen to you

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