
Persuasive Essay On Chase

Decent Essays

Chase, however was able to escape and ran to his mother’s house where he was captured and sent to a mental institute for the criminally insane. During his stay at this second institution, Chase told the nurses of his fantasies of killing rabbits. Chase was even found with blood smeared around his mouth after he reached through the window bars of his cell to capture two birds, he snapped their neck and drank their blood. Finally after loads of treatments including psychotropic drugs, Chase was deemed no longer a danger to society and he was released into care of his parents. Chase’s mother did not believe that he needed to be on Anti-schizophrenic medication so she weaned him off of it. Chase murdered six people in one month, the first was …show more content…

Eventually Chase reached the home of David and Teresa Wallin, David was away at work and Teresa, three months pregnant, was taking out the trash and left the front door open. When Teresa returned to the house Chase shot her three times, once in the hand, which detectives believed was Teresa’s attempt at defense, and twice in the head killing her. Chase dragged her body into the bedroom where he raped and stabbed her repeatedly with a butcher knife he found in the house. When he was done he cut her open, removed several of her organs,and used a bucket to collect her blood which he brought into the bathroom and bathed in it, then he returned to the corpse and drank the remainder of her blood. To finish off this gruesome crime he went into the backyard and collected dog feces which he then proceeded to stuff down Teresa’s throat.Two days after Chase murdered Teresa Wallin, Chase purchased two puppies from a neighbor, which he murdered and drank their blood. After Chase was done with the caucuses he disposed them on the neighbor’s lawn. On January 27 Chase entered the home of Evelyn Miroth. Evelyn, thirty-eight, was home with her six year old son Jason, twenty-two month old nephew David, and Dan her

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