1) Squeaky feels fortunate to take care of Raymond because she is able to make sure Raymond gets the respect and care he deserves. For example, in the short story “Raymond’s Run”, the text talks about how Squeaky would much rather fight the person making fun of Raymond than letting them talk. This exemplifies the fact that Squeaky believes Raymond is a good person despite his health issues, and no one should be bullying him. Thus, Squeaky feels the need to stand up for her “younger brother.” To add on, Squeaky believed that even if she did not win the race, Raymond can grow up to be the next best runner. The text revealed Squeaky’s enthusiasm with Raymond’s ability to climb the fence and run swiftly. This leads on to the fact that Squeaky
Raymond’s Run Character Essay In the story “Raymond’s Run” by Toni Cade Bambara, Squeaky, the protagonist, is a young girl who is in charge of taking care of her handicapped brother, Raymond. She will protect him and take charge of him if she senses danger. Squeaky proves to a memorable character as I read the story. She has proven to be memorable because she is confident, protective, and mostly because she is nonconformist.
Because she saw Raymond running along the sidelines, something sparks inside of her. “Cause if I’ve lost this race, or if me and Gretchen tied… I can always retire as a runner… and coach with Raymond as my champ” (Bambara 111). Squeaky doesn’t care about her win anymore. She is thinking about Raymond’s potential as a runner. Her heart is growing fond at the thought of her brother following behind her footsteps. “My brother Raymond, a great runner in the family tradition” (Bambara 111). This shows that Squeaky is excited for her brother’s future. He is no longer the annoying ‘little’ brother he always was. Now, he is a person with the ability to run like she can. Finally, even after the man announces that Squeaky won, she looks over at Gretchen. There is no longer venom boiling between them. “And I smile. ‘Cause she’s good, no doubt about it. Maybe she’d like to help me coach Raymond” (Bambara 112). There is a newfound respect between the two girls. Gretchen even smiles back. The walls Squeaky spent so long building up are now crumbling down piece by piece as her mind
Emotions and character traits such as confidence, being hard working... are what define us. Every day we experience millions of emotions. Based on what we say or do, it makes up other's people mind about us. It also shapes how they think about us and treat us. One character who is defined by her social emotions is the protagonist Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker, also known as Squeaky, from the story “Raymond’s Run”, by Toni Cade Bambara. Squeaky may be bossy, sassy… but she has to face many problems; one of these is defending and helping her mentally challenged brother, Raymond. Throughout the story, Squeaky feels like Raymond is an obstacle. However, when she competes in the big May Day race (she has a competition for the first time this year against her new rival, Gretchen), she sees some value
Although confidence is a good trait to have, too much may blind you from someone else’s talents. The main character of Raymond’s Run is a girl named Squeaky, which is her nickname, who is full of pride and has to take care of her “little” brother Raymond. Squeaky’s main goal in the story is to win the 50-yard dash. She has confidence and pride, but it bit too much of it. Throughout the story, Squeaky changes from an over-confident, narrow-minded girl to a more open-minded person.
Squeaky is a girl who has a brother named Raymond, and Squeaky protects him. At the end she won in first place and almost made a friend. In the story “Raymond’s Run,” Toni Cade Bambara teaches the reader that you should care about others, not just yourself. Squeaky had always been protecting Raymond like every day. In the end, Squeaky then becomes opened hearted.
Squeaky cares about her brother, Raymond a lot and she protects him like a mother. Mary Louise comes with her friends to talk with squeaky, and she tells her how she is not fast. Then she tries to ask Raymond something, but Squeaky stops her. “ You got anything to say to my brother you say it to me, Mary Louise Williams of Raggedy Town, Baltimore.”(Bambara 3) This quote explains how much she cares and is very protective. Rosie tries to be mean and asks squeaky, if she was Raymond’s mother. “ Thats right fatso, And the next word out of anybody and I’ll be their mother too.”(Bambara 3) This explains how squeaky could do anything for her brother no matter what.
Squeaky found value in Raymond when he climbed the fence, Squeaky became so excited. “And by the time he comes over i’m jumping up and down glad to see him- my brother Raymond, a great runner in the family tradition.” (Bambara 7) In fact, Squeaky was so happy she decided that she would rather stop track and help train Raymond. She even wondered if one of her competition would like to help. “Maybe she’d like to help me coach Raymond; she obviously is serious about running, as any fool can see.” (Bambara 7) That is how Squeaky finally
By being alienated and not included, outsiders are made to feel estranged and may suffer severe discrimination, which will affect them mentally, physically and psychologically. This will change the way they view the world and may alter their social and personal outlook on life. This is discussed through the short story of Raymond’s Run with the inclusion of the central characters Hazel and Raymond who are subject to exclusion and often made to feel estranged. Their pain is exemplified through the quote; ‘but people ain’t grateful, so now she hangs out with the new girl Gretchen and talks about me like a dog… and has a big mouth where Raymond is concerned’, as this exhibits the hostility and disaffection shown towards Hazel and her brother with
To begin, in the story “Raymond’s Run” Squeaky is a great runner. Raymond Is Squeak’s older brother, but he’s not quite there in the head which means he’s mentally challenged. Squeaky takes him everywhere from her running around practicing her breathing exercises to her track meets. Almost every afternoon when she walks home she practices her running to stay in shape, and to stay able to run fast. In the story I think that Raymond learned to become a fast runner like Squeaky.
In the story, Raymond's Run Squeaky only job on the universe was to take care of her little brother Raymond. But Squeaky had a passion for running in relays so while taking care her brother Raymond conditioned and when I say conditioned it seem like she ran for decades. Although she took time out to practice she made sure that she kept her eyes on Raymond. In the story, it sated she made sure while running he stayed on the inside of the sidewalk. The primary reason she liked running was to stay in shape and build her stamina up I swear you would never catch this young lady walking. Squeaky would run so much that that her mom would feel embarrass taking her to stores with the family. Then that's not the only bad thing about it she also
From dealing with Raymond, to fighting bullies. Squeaky lives life hard. She protects her inner feelings and hides them with outer feelings which are very harsh. In her reality, she thinks that she is a very self confident girl, who does not care what others think about her. However, in real life Squeaky can’t hide what she feels inside. Furthermore, she is a great person who is very caring and feels sadness. In the story, the author is trying to tell us that even the worst people in life have a good side to them. Running is what helps Squeaky get away from the problems she has in life. In life you can not hide what is really inside you. That is what the reader can really see throughout the story. So, the next time you encounter a mean person, just know they have a good
In the short story titled “Raymond's Run” Toni Cade Bambara focuses on a young girl named Squeaky who spends most of her time training for a very important race while caring for her brother Raymond who suffers from a condition called hydrocephalus. First, Tony points out that a girl named Gretchen may be Squeaky’s competition for the upcoming race while Squeaky tries hard to make sure societies beliefs don't get the best of her beloved brother Raymond. Next, Toni Bambara informers readers of how Squeaky feels before the race and how the final results between the girls may be close. Also, the writer reports that as Squeaky and Gretchen wait for the announcement of the winner she realizes it may not be so bad if she loses the race. In addition,
Squeaky loved to run. For example, she said ‘’I run. And as anybody can tell you I’m the fastest thing on two feet.’’ She practices ant time of day practicing her running. Squeaky also, practices her breathing . Squeaky came in first place every time she did a race. She doesn’t like to do much talking she rather knock you down. And run if she gets a chance. Squeaky also, does not like anyone messing with her brother Raymond. She said ‘’If anyone has anything to say to Raymond they have to come to me. Gretchen was Squeaky’s enimie . But , Gretchen didn’t do the talking her sidekicks did it for her. She thought she was gonna come in first place. But, squeaky knew that she wasn’t . They did the race and squeaky didn’t know who won , she thought
Also why Raymond will be a good runner. Cause squeaky knows what to do cause she has won the race for the last 4 years. so she will train Raymond everything that she knows for
Even though Squeaky, a frail little girl, she does everything she can to protect Raymond from the bully's wrath. Walking briskly, Squeaky keeps Raymond on the inside of her, for he often wanders off through being subject to fantasies.(#7 begin with a past participial phrase) Squeaky exemplifies her alertness when she declares,”’ If anyone has anything to say to Raymond, anything to say about his big head, they have to come to me’”(1). When Mary Louise starts spitting insults at Raymond asking what grade he partakes in, Squeaky, protecting her brother, gets angry and stands up for him by saying,”’ if she has anything to say, she needs to say it