
Reactance Window Drying

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Reactance Window drying: Reactance Technology is a novel drying system. It uses circulating water at atmospheric pressure as a means to carry thermal energy to material to be dehydrated.[2] Infrared Zone Drying: It uses infrared energy applied to a thin film of product in a series of zones. This allows product to be maintained at a low temperature to avoid damage while in its liquid state. DRYING FUNDAMENTALS Drying involves the removal of moisture in thermal drying; this is achieved by give the heat to the product. The heat increases the vapor pressure of the moisture in the product above that of the surrounding air. Pressure and thermal cause the moisture, liquid and vapor, to move to the surface of the product. Evaporation takes place and water vapor is transferred to the surrounding air. This air may become saturated but the process of drying continues if this moist air is replaced by less saturated air. In a crop there is a combination of free and bound moisture. Free moisture is water that can move through the product in an unrestricted way. Its movement is not dependent on the internal structure of the crop. The vaporization- evaporation process is at a maximum when there is sufficient free water in the product to replace that evaporated at its surface. As this moisture is evaporated the moisture content of the product falls and the product temperature is close to the wet bulb temperature of the drying air. This period in the drying process is usually known as

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