
Reading Response: Bartleby The Scrivener

Decent Essays

Taylor Theisen
Richard Campbell
Introduction to Literature
Reading Response: Melville and Kafka
Bartleby the Scrivener:
The narrator of this story is a lawyer whose law practice is on Wall Street in New York. The man’s profession has turned him into a wise elderly man. He has learned lots about singular sets of men who are scriveners. A scrivener is someone in a processing system for document, notes, and metadata management. The Lawyer knows many stories of the scriveners, but bypasses them to tell the story of Bartleby. He believes this is the most interesting story of them all. According to the Lawyer Bartleby is not very interesting himself. Before introducing Bartleby, he describes other scriveners in his office. The first is Turkey. Turkey …show more content…

In the mornings he's fidgety and works better in the afternoon. The last employee is Ginger, the errand boy. The Lawyer describes the habits of these men and then introduces Bartleby. The Lawyer explains that Bartleby came in responding to an ad posted by the Lawyer. He then hired him and Bartleby seems to be a great worker at first. It is stated that he works long hours and greatly pleases his boss. One day Bartleby is called into the office to examine a document and he says, “I would rather not.” The Lawyer is so baffled by this that he sends him out and calls for Nippers to instead. This story does not have a lot of substance to it. It really is just about a pretty mundane man and his business, but this causes the reader to read in between the lines. The main focus that can be confusing about this story is the man, Bartleby, himself. He begins by being such a great worker and then suddenly, when asked to do a fairly normal task, politely declines. It leaves the reader wondering why he did this. Was he being over worked? Was there a personal issue with the specific document given? Or is he just a really good actor and pretended to be a good worker at first in order to keep the job? Critics like to try to make this story political and say that it is

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