
Ready Player One Movie And Book Comparison

Decent Essays

Ready player one is a novel and a movie wrote by Ernest Cline. Ready player one is about a boy named Wade Owens taking over something named the oasis that basically plays a huge part in his society. The oasis is a different reality where you can choose what you want to be and not be judged on how you are in real life. This takes place in the year 2044 and the world is not in the best shape so a lot of the people use the oasis to get away from their problems. So when the man who owns the oasis puts up a Easter egg and whoever solves gets to own the oasis was and his friends decide to seize the moment. Even though the novel and the movie are based on the same plot they have some differences throughout the story. In the book the timeline throughout the adventure is over years, but in the movie this is a adventure that does not take as near as long because they could not fit that all into the movie. The movie and novel also take places in different settings, the novel takes place in Oklahoma City but the movie takes place in Cleveland. There is also the death of Daito in the novel that never even took place in the movie. Even though a book and a movie have the same plot line it does not meant that they have to be completely the same. …show more content…

Even though the timeline may not be the same through the novel and book the main goal never changes throughout each they both try to own the oasis. In the book and movie he is in love with Samantha that never changes throughout each. Both also end with them gaining control over the oasis and finding the Easter egg. They have similarities and differences for the book and

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