
Real Subject: Narcissism Disorder

Decent Essays

1. What is the real subject of this piece? As a reader, what do you think this essay is really about?
Real Subject: Narcissism Disorder
I think the essay is really about a person who was emotionally hurt by someone with narcissism disorder

2. Identify specific places where the use of sights, sounds, and smells could be further developed to provide more of an emotional impact in readers.

Possibly you can describe the sound of the voice and some physical characteristics of the “narcissistic” person in the narration.

3. If you were to keep one line from this essay and throw away the rest, what line would you keep? Why?

If I was to keep one line from the essay and throw away the rest, the line I would keep is: “This was the start of my awakening, …show more content…

4. How do the intro and conclusion mirror or echo one another? How do they properly frame the essay as a whole?

The intro gave me information about what is a “narcissist”, and the conclusion encourages the reader to keep looking for information. I enjoyed your essay, it was very informative, I didn’t have an idea that narcissism was a disorder.

5. Look at the setting of the essay. Based on the need for research, discuss ways in which the author could bring in more outside research to develop scenes further.

I think you did an extensive research about the topic. Perhaps if you can include some examples of narcissism behavior and how was treated would develop the scenes further.
6. Read the story as a reader. What parts interest you the most? Where you are least interested? What questions do you still have? Provide suggestions for improvement.

I like the entire essay because the topic was not familiar at all. It is well documented, and I can see you have done lots of research about it. How did you handle the situation ; or how do you feel about this experience

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