My goal is to build a model and find the best possible fit and variance from the real tidal motion throughout these three days. I chose this location because Florida has always been one of my favorite states and because I like to visit Hollywood in California, and when I saw Hollywood Beach, I thought it was a perfect fit. The three days I chose in particular were because my birthday is on June 13th and I have visited Florida between this time. I went to Florida for a week when I was 14 and it happened to fall right on my birthday, so it will forever be a memory. The units for my x and y axis are the x-axis is the time and the y-axis is the height of the tide converted into feet. The time is significant because since it’s over a three-day …show more content…
The line is not a good fit because it does not match up with points exactly. I found the amplitude by finding the average height of each high, medium, and low point of the tides, and then taking the medium tide average and subtracting that from the high tide average. Then, I took the low tide average and subtracted that from the medium tide average. From subtracting the medium from the high tide averages I got .748, and from subtracting the low from the medium tide averages I got .741. Next, I took these two numbers, added them and then divided that by two which gave me my amplitude of .7445. To find the period I took the middle point of the high points and the middle point of the low points and subtracted the time value of each of those, which gave me six. Then I put two pie over six which reduces to pie over three and in decimal form equals 1.04. My phase shit was five because my first x-value was five given from the tide website. My vertical shift was .997 and I found that by taking all of the middle points and taking the average of those. I used cosine instead of sine because my graph started at the amplitude and went towards the middle instead of going from the middle to the
Record your answer from Lab Exercise #1, Step 1, Question 2. What time in hours:minutes:seconds GMT did the S waves arrive?
4.1 – On average, how many high and low tides will a given spot on the coast experience in a day, and why?
One of the pieces that really stood out to me was the one called Tidal Datum. The data that she has chosen helps create a form that looks like the waves of the twenty-nine days of a full lunar cycle and this reveals the patterns of the tides of the Bay Area. She made it out of flat-bar steel and it is framed within the structure of a walnut table. She had to go through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Online Historic Tide Database in order to gather all this data. The subject of the piece is that she it is showing us all of the multiple tides that have occurred and this creates a piece with a lot of movement, that carries your eye throughout the whole thing. For the content, she is interested in how we study tides
Therefore, during experiment (2:39 pm first in and 4:01 pm last out), we had second low tide after we put meter stick on 2B but before 3A. Then, the graph shows that the tide started to rise slowly during rest of period. 1B (2:40 - 4:01 pm), 3A (3:01-3:52 pm) and 4B(3:13-3:38 pm) have positive
6. The most appropriate graph for this data set would be a line graph because it showcases trends and findings within the trends.
9) Since you are plotting displacement on the y-axis and time on the x-axis, this is an example
1. Record: Select the BAR CHART tab, select Acceleration from the dropdown menu, and turn on Show numerical values. The bar on the left shows the magnitude of the acceleration, or |a|. The units of acceleration are meters per second per second, or m/s2.
axis be parallel to the ground and the positive y axis point upward. In the time interval from
Robin Sharma once said “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.” In “Rivers and Tides” Andy Goldsworthy built a stick statue. When the tide started rising the statue was hard to move, then as the tide got higher the sticks started to float away in a messy manner. At the end of the process the top of the statue floated off all together in a gorgeous manner. Likewise change in society today can be good or bad depending on the conditions,
times the length of the Bay. By virtue of blind luck or physics, the tide is
I am here to explain an ultrasound, so that way you are not nervous. First, there are different types of sound waves, and how they travel. There are transverse, longitudinal, and surface waves. The transverse waves are a mechanical wave which means that the wave travels like an S- wave sideways. Longitudinal waves travel parallel to the direction the wave travels. When the longitudinal wave travels it compresses through the particles in the medium that it passes through. Longitudinal waves are like contractions because they can compress together really high, and or low which could make the pain hurt more, or hurt very little. Surface waves move in circular motions around the medium. In an ultrasound you can see your baby move around in your
People ordinarily prefer to visit the locations with some interpretation panels just like the ones present along side the Maccan River and the Shubenacadie River close to the South Maitland Tidal Bore look-off. You’ll want to bear in mind that the bore time doesn’t automatically match up with the high tide periods stated on a tide chart. It all relies on exactly where along side the river you’re standing, so it’s best to check with some of the local outfitters ahead of time.
Estuarine environments are one of the most productive ecosystems on earth. Not only do they provide measureable environmental benefits, but social and economic benefits. Salt marshes provide habitat and serve as food resources for various wildlife such as shellfish, fish, and birds. They also act as nurseries for commercially and recreationally important shell and fin fisheries. Nearby land and waterbodies are protected from flooding, storm surges, shoreline stabilization, nutrient absorption, and water quality improvement. Wetlands and marshes not only provide the environmental aspects just mentioned, they also serve as an educational and recreational opportunity for the community. For healthy survival, salt marsh plant species require proper tidal fluctuation.
In the movie The Prince of Tides, the kind of Psychotherapy being portrayed is Psychodynamic. Psychodynamic therapy is a deriving from the psychoanalytic tradition, views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences and seek to enhance self-insight. The therapist in the movie uses the patients brother to find out the root of the patients disturbing Psychodynamic behavior. By doing so she discovers the darkness of the family’s history.
Decision making with no idea of the outcome. My installation would be a long narrow tunnel, where one will be able to feel as if they are inside the ocean but in reality they are not. As one enters the tunnel, they would be welcomed with a "PLOP" (sound) as if they were to be be jumping into the ocean. Everything is nice, the temperature is warm and comfortable, soothing music starts playing as you go walk in the ocean (tunnel) past a school of fish and vibrant colorful reefs. As you continue to walk, the color of the ocean darkens and you start feeling the drop of temperature. you feel uneasy, you feel unsafe, and its cold. The next thing you know, you are at the bottom of the ocean where its pitch black but luckily for you there is a bright