
Reason For Concurring The Pequot's And Carhaginians

Decent Essays

Evan O’Connor GFCL: 100 Professor Hubbard Due: 10/6 Pequot & Carthage This definition of genocide is “an attempt at extermination, whether partial or complete: “acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial, ethnical, or religious group, as such” (Kiernan 10) From 149 to 146 B.C, the Romans attacked the city of Carthage killing thousands of Carthaginians and destroying the city. Similarly from 1636-1638, the English attacked the Pequot’s killing hundreds, dramatically depleting the tribes population. The English and Romans shared similar interests and reasoning for concurring the Pequot’s and Carthaginians. Reasons such as economic gain, and the desire for complete power played a part, yet some differences include magnitude of war, leadership, and technology. The English had trouble in the field of trade because the Pequot had control of the fur trade giving them economic dominance. The English wanted economic dominance in the area for obvious reasons however, so did the Pequot’s, to keep their dominance the Pequot murdered several English traders but, the most well-known killing was the murder of an …show more content…

In the Pequot war, “About 1,000 – 1,500 Pequots are thought to have been killed in the subsequent year of war”. (P.234) Mason wrote “The Pequots, were utterly destroyed, to the Number of six or seven hundred in just over one hour”. (P.231) The Pequot population was truly devastated at the end of 1638 it was estimated that “fewer than 500 Pequot males had survived, and only 1,500 – 2,000 women and children had survived”. (P.234) The English spared no one killing any and every Pequot they could. In terms of quantity the Romans left a more deadly aftermath following their policy of “extreme violence” (P.51) This caused “The population of 200,000 to 400,000 citizens, at least 145,000 Carthaginians were killed and 55,000 taken as slaves”.

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