
Reasons For America's Participation In World War I

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The United States of America (America) entered World War I for many reasons. It would be hard to put it on one sole reason due to the fact that they all tested America’s people. One of the biggest factors though, would have to be the sinking of the Lusitania. One hundred twenty-four Americans were on that ship, and over a thousand dead in total. This riled up the public opinion on Germany. Diplomatic efforts were made with Germany, but the public’s opinion was permanently changed. Germany would later resume unrestricted warfare. Money also got America into the war. Money always gets people involved, and America had put huge investments in England and France. If the allied powers (England, France, and other various nations) were to lose, how would America get their money back? They had invested over two billion dollars in them. They did put money in Germany, but nowhere near that amount of money. America’s economy would fall. England and France were also America’s top trading partners, after the war, if Germany and the axis powers were to win, America’s trading would be disrupted. …show more content…

Many propaganda posters urged for Americans to by war bonds and support the allies. The Germans were portrayed as brutal animals seeking bloodshed. Many Americans already had roots in allied nations, and wanted to support the ally cause, which was largely seen as a democratic cause for freedom. America being a democratic nation, didn’t fully agree with Germany almost being like a dictatorship. Their ideologies clashed against each other. America, being for the freedom and rights of its citizens, could not support what Germany was trying to accomplish, an empire using already established

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