
Reasons To Saving The Marbled Polecat

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Thirty percent, just sounds like a number to you right? Well, it’s not, this is the percentage reduction of the Marble Polecat in Europe over the last ten years. For years, the Marbled Polecat has been going endangered, and every day more and more die. Their habitats are being destroyed on by one, their prey is going extinct so they go hungry, and they are being hunted for their unique fur. Consequently, the polecats are going away and we need to do something about it. Why are we trying to harm the Marbled Polecat? We should be trying to save the Marbled Polecat because every animal deserves to live just like you and I do every day.
One reason that we should be trying to save the Marbled Polecat is, the prey of the Marbled Polecat could increase if we let them go extinct. As an example, the rodents could go totally rogue and increase at an alarming increase. The rodents could start eating more grains, and we know what that means, less grain for us! That just shows that just a little tiny animal going extinct can affect us so much. Another example is that the insects they eat could get totally out of control. The insects could start creating more diseases to humans. The humans would get sick all because of a little animal going extinct. We think that something so small cannot affect us, but it will affect humans more than we know. The …show more content…

The Marbled Polecat cannot change the ecosystem much because of their size. Such a small animal could not impact such a big ecosystem. The impact, if any, is very small and not very important. Though the Marbled Polecats are small, they are very mighty. What I mean by that is that even a small animal can make a huge difference in an ecosystem. For example, if the Marbled Polecat went extinct there would be such an imbalance of prey and predators that nobody would know what to do. That shows that the little tiny Marbled Polecat can make a huge

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