
Reasons Why You Should Go To College Essay

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6 Reasons Why You Should Go To College

As a high school senior, I am thinking about my plans after high school. I am going to a public four year university. I am planning on getting my bachelor’s degree and I am not sure what I am going to major in. One thing I am sure of is that college is one of the best investments a person can make. Not everyone agrees with me, though. Some of my classmates have said that they think college is a waste of time and money. However, I know college is going to benefit me in many ways. I have heard that college graduates earn a million dollars more in their lifetime and that they are happier, healthier, and more likely to stay out of jail. I have also heard that college is the best time of your life. There are a lot of reasons why a college education will benefit you. These are the six best reasons why you should go to college. College graduates tend to earn more money than high school graduates …show more content…

A Huffington Post editor opposes the idea of college saying, “ an entire generation of Millennials have already been screwed and there may not be much many of the them can do to undo the damage they've done with 6-figure student loan debt and worthless degrees that only lead to dead-end entry level positions, if any at all” (Price). Some college graduates still have a hard time finding jobs. Most college graduates find jobs that are not related to their major. However, college graduates are more likely to be employed and earn more money.The high cost of college has many students applying for student loans every year. Even though I agree that college is expensive, I still think that there are other ways to pay for college besides racking up unnecessary student loan debt. Applying for scholarships and federal aid,getting a job, and graduating in four years are all solutions to taking out more student loans than you

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