
Recital Review and Report

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The recital I attended was on Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 7:00pm located in the Recital Hall. This performance was a Diploma Recital for Hyejin Joo, who is a Performer of Piano. The pieces Ms. Joo performed were the Italian Concerto in F Major, BWV 971, Fantasiestücke, Op. 12, and the Suite bergamasque (1905).
The first piece performed was the Italian Concerto in F Major, BWV 971 which was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach within the years 1685-1750. This piece has three individual movements, Allegro, Andante, and Presto. The names of the individual pieces translated to modern English are: brisk or rapid in tempo (cheerful), moderately slow and even, and quickly, rapidly; at a rapid tempo. The names of each individual movement describe how each part of the overall piece is to be played.
Within the first movement, it was detectable when she played full scales; it was easier to notice after learning the G and F scales in class. The beginning was very fast, and although it was upbeat, it almost felt like a rushed sort of urgency within the first piece. Andante seemed to be a sad piece. As it was slow and evenly played, it had a melancholy feel to it. The underlying base clef kept a steady deep tone that despite when the treble notes picked up a bit, it kept it from becoming cheerful in the slightest. The third piece, presto, was very fast paced. There was a distinct difference between when she played piano p compared to when she played mezzo forte mf. I could also recognize

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