
Reckessly Responsible Behavior In The 1920s

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This statement is partically accurate beacause Americas were reckessly spending and irresponsible behaviour due to their belief of unending prosperity that lead to the Wall street stock Market crash , no their reality was called the Great Depression which started off as the boom years in the early 1920s The boom years was a period of economic prosperity called the Roaring Twenties. The economic system of capitalism focused on private ownership and there where many ways to make money legally and illegally this lead to a growth in the economy with an added bonus of government interfearence because they believed that it wasnt the government job to create jobs or economic relief .This was a time of noise , lively action, people migrating in large numbers to America in hopes of also experencing the riches that lied in America and also World War One had been a boast to the American economy and business thus it became the richest county due to its farming and coal mining.Because of the economic prosperity people began spending money on luxiours that were very expensive items before the war but in 1920s became a common item due to the mass production such as radios , telephones, motion pictures , cars and refridgerators this bought modernity to a large population and bettered their lives. Radios were the first mass broadcasting media although it was very expensive it was a grandstand for …show more content…

Most factories and business went bankrupt which resulted in them shutting down. Due to this workforce decreaesded, business , industries and individuals were left devastated so working hours and wages were cut back to ensure there was less spending. The wall street crash had a big impact on the USA and and the world economy and as a result signalled a 12 year geat depression that affected all western industralized

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