
Reconciliation Definition

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"Reconciliation is the problem of the contemporary world" is what the author Donal Harrington is teaching throughout this article. Reconciliation is defined as "the act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement" according to the Marriam-Webster dictionary. The point Harrington is trying to make is that as long as reconciliation is acceptable between one another, that we have an excuse to act out in violence. "So, non-violence is not about the elimination of conflict. it accepts the realities of conflict and coercion, of desire and aggression, of power and competition and force, for what they are- and works for their paschal transformation. Neither it is without anger. But its anger gives way to, 'passes …show more content…

Secondly, it is notoriously difficult to organise large numbers of people to act non-violently in a manner that is both cohesive and sustained. Thirdly, non-violence cannot guarantee success in the immediate and palpable way that violence pretends to- simply because it waits upon rather than coerces the response of other." (Harrington, 620). During the civil rights movement in America many peopple practiced non-violence including John Lewis author of "March". John Lewis believed in the act of non-violence and practiced it with no regret. During this time of American history violence was a significant problem between whites and blacks. Non-violence to many seemed to not have any power, but it had great power. Harrington explains that "non-violence mirrors the cross. The cross was a failure - in the eyes of the world. Non-violence endures because it finds its idea of success in what counts in God's eyes." Non-violence will always be successful in that it teaches to love humanity no matter how badly humanity violates each other, and love is never a

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