
Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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As a leading country of the world, the United States of America has done everything to its maximum capacity when solving current issues and dilemma. Our country has gained the reputation of serving equality for all races and ethnic groups, but in different times this belief was inconceivable. The events of Reconstruction had no effect at helping ex-slaves and freedmen as they were faced with racism, hate, and cruel laws, returning them to their state of oppression they had once faced during slavery. Many historians say that the laws and amendments passed, helped freedmen to gain assistance and rights throughout the United States. The harsh reality of the situation was the treatment of freedmen and ex-slaves was barbaric. An excerpt from …show more content…

The Plessy v Ferguson court ruling states, “No person shall be permitted to occupy seats in coaches other than the ones assigned to them, on account of the race they belong to” (Document F). The Plessy v Ferguson court case ruled that segregation of public facilities was approved, and any private individual could segregate his facility against anyone he wanted to, as long as equality of accommodation existed. The separation of seats based on race allowed whites to physically and conceptually hold a partition against ex-slaves and freedmen, which would return them to a very similar state of mind they had faced during slavery. In reality, facilities for freedmen and ex-slaves were inferior to those of whites. The fact of the matter was that ex-slaves and freedmen were viewed as lesser objects in the perspective of whites; their treatment was the same as it was in their state of oppression felt during slavery. Ex-slaves and freedmen had no role in the social development of society, returning them to their state of oppression and along with it, taking away their integrity. With segregation legal, ex-slaves and freedmen were being overlooked as a member of society, and would have minimal power trying to influence who their new leader would

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