
Red Terror Controversy

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The Ethiopian “Red Terror” or Qey Shibir occurred between 1977 and 1978. It was a violent period of bloodshed, torture and mass murders of Ethiopians from all walks of life, language groups, genders, ages and professions. The Red Terror took place in a time where Ethiopia was under the leadership of Mengistu Haile Mariam and his regime known as Derg (Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Territorial Army that ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1987 after it took power following the ousting of Emperor Haile Selassie). Its aim was to counterbalance another assassination movement from opposition party called white terror. It began shortly after the deposition of Emperor Haile Selassie but the official campaign of killing was launched …show more content…

All Ethiopians agree that thousands of men, women and youth were brutalized, murdered, maimed and their remains were abandoned on the streets of Addis Ababa( capital city of Ethiopia) under the pretense of building a better Ethiopia during those eleven years. However, the history of the “Red Terror” as presented by the museum is filled with controversy and disagreement on many details. Ethiopians who do not support the current government say the museum is extremely biased and should stop working. Others claim that the museum doesn’t have a deceptive nature and we should appreciate the government for building this museum. The rest of the population agrees on the details and data presented in the museum, but thinks it is one …show more content…

They disagree with contents which basically say communist is bad, and the purely evil portray of previous Ethiopian governments. As a place which will be used as a historical reference in the future, they think a museum, which describe a certain regime should present both positive and negative facts. The often raise questions why good deeds of those governments are not found in the museum. As stated by Historian Martin Meredith and many writers Emperor Haile Selassie is the king who trained the well-known South African racial segregation fighter Mandela and established the still existing African Union Organization (AU). Mengistu Haile Mariam is also known for sending troops for maintaining the Zimbabwe’s civil war (1965-1979). But, these stories are not found in the museum. Also, they think Ethiopians have bunches of political philosophies that are stretched to the very opposite side. Thus, it is not for a museum to articulate and show visitors that communism is evil with records, which disguise the relationship Ethiopia used to have with Soviet Union just because the Soviet Union was a communist

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