
Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

There are many lessons I learned in a little over a year. June 24, 2016, I remember standing on the stage at CSU when the old district president gave her words of wisdom to me and I received the district flag. Our first event as an officer team we elected the secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian. When Sarah, the old district president, stood up to nominate me for Parliamentarian I looked at her like she was crazy. I never thought that I would get the spot until they announced my name as the new parliamentarian. As a new team, we went to New Mexico as a new team and I met some people that are fun but I never thought they would become my best friends. I remember thinking that they were some of the best when we were sitting around telling embarrassing stories and Kyle, The State president, told his most embarrassing and everyone else just laughed. When we said goodbye it was hugs, tears and until next times.
During an officer’s year there are four camps you plan other events you have to attend and possible things that you have to be a guest speaker at. The two events I remember the most were LDC and State Conference. During LDC the committee did not step up and do what they said and because of this we had to spend extra time to try and make it successful. Being the Parliamentarian I had to say the pledges during the banquet. This is something I have always dreamed of. I thought if we did not push through and work hard that day before we may not even be at

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