
Reflection Of A Leadership Class

Decent Essays

I know you were worried about me going off to college and being on my own. I want you to know that I am doing fine. I am so glad that I pushed myself to take this Leadership class. It has really helped me get comfortable with talking to strangers and sharing my opinion even if it is not the same as everyone else. I know you were worried about me being an introvert and not wanting to talk to people. But through my leadership class, I have learned to talk to people easier and I have even made a couple friends in the class. Leadership is not what I thought it was. I have learned so much about myself and what I need to do to become a leader. This class has not only helped me find who I want to be but so have you. You have always been a leader in my eyes raising me on your own. …show more content…

It has taught me that it is okay to be wrong. I am not very good at being wrong and this class has helped me with being okay with being wrong, at least I am trying and growing as a person. This class has helped become more of a social person because it gives me the opportunity to talk to my classmates throughout class, whereas most other classes do not. I have become a better listener and more open-minded to other people’s opinions. The class has really shown me what kind of leader I want to be. It taught me that I cannot just be about myself, I have to understand the importance of my followers. My followers will be what makes me a leader. Times may be tough but I have to push through. I have to be strong because if I am not then I will lose trust in the ones around me. They are counting on me to lead them through hard times. You know how much I like to lead so these aspects have really helped me understand what I need to work on to one day be this kind of

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