
Reflection On Leadership

Satisfactory Essays

Leadership Reflection Due to my passive nature, I’ve always avoided leadership roles. With that being said I still aspire to be someone who can be looked to as a leader. In order to reach that goal I observe and try to mimic the actions of people that inspire me. There have been many people I’ve taken orders from, but I have “followed” few. Those are the ones I consider to be true leaders, and have tried to be like myself. In general, a leader should be someone who has their stuff together, a stable psyche, and an open mind. My leadership style is Change-Oriented (MBTI) meaning that I like to find alternative ways to do things and introduce creative solutions to problems. I always lead by example, which forces me to learn as much as I …show more content…

I have had many leaders I’ve followed over the years. An impactful experience was working for my brother. I was 20 and my brother 21 when I got a job for him as an automotive detailer. Up until that point I never looked at my brother as a leader. Over the year or two my perspective of him changed a lot, and I learned a great deal. These things came naturally to him. One thing I observed is how he consistently held his team accountable. So much so, if a coworker messed up. They would almost be afraid the consequence. On the other hand he also would acknowledge good work which showed respect. Over time I saw how the team progressed. Eventually my brother hardly even needed to be at work. Another thing he showed me is the importance of relationships in business. He always made it a point to connect with his bosses and other people involved in day to day business. Word spread quickly how friendly of a guy he was. He ended up getting a recommendation from a client for a promotion. People up the chain of command need individuals they can rely on to do work. Followership is important because if you can be a good follower it shows you have an open mind and want to grow. I think leadership relates to business like if you were trying to sell yourself. In the follower role you gain insight on how to better present yourself. Since I’ve been at ECU I learned a lot about leadership. When I meet a person I can better understand

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