I have been a student at Germanna Community College from this semesters, and over the course of my stay One specific experience I had while doing Discovery Wheel really shows how integrated this learning is and most of my result is same yet, some section I have done some improvement but still I need to improve my Thinking and Communicating skill because I don't know how to share my knowledge with others who may have no idea what I am talking about by being more Socialize, Understanding, Talking, Listening stay around the people ask the question what I hear or read and thinking positively takes suggestion, Analyzing the viewpoint will it help me or I find other sources. I have grown and learned more than I thought possible. I discovered about myself. I’ve never thought of myself as a leader, but because the class used group thinking in more than one occasion, I found that I am a good leader. I communicate my ideas to the group while trying to balance the ideas of others so the group can come to an agreed upon decision. The biggest hurdle in the …show more content…
Many of us think that there is only one occupation that is best suited for us, but there are really several that may be good choices, a career is more than just a job, or working, or occupation. It also includes progress through life, growth and development in various areas of life, there are general skills which will be required the career I pursue. These skills include the ability to read, write, compute, think critically, and communicate in an effective manner. Increasing the knowledge of my skills, doing related work as my career to gain experience also will do internship and take more related class to major. When I started this career, I thought I was going to spend the next 8 years, twice the time but now I feel I’ll achieve my degree within five
I have been the president of my school’s Junior Civitian club for 2 years now and I was color guard caption for two years also. I have learned how to become a leader. I also went to Girl State where I learned how to become a better leader. Becoming a leader is challenging, especially in high school, when you want to do what everyone else is doing. I have learned that being a leader you should be fair and treat people as if they are your peers and not lower than you are. As a leader I am the first person their and the last person to leave. I also have made myself available to the people in Junior Civitan and the people on the color guard team. I also have an ambitious attitude, as should ever leader. I will always try to keep everyone cheerful
The Medicine Wheel is a traditional Indigenous educational process that to teach people which create a relevance about the space, pedagogy and atmosphere within the culture. It is used to help people learn and understand the subjects which they are hard to learn or understand because the Medicine Wheel is ideal and not real objects (Bell, 2014). Also, it contains many rings of teaching, such as the seasons, the moment of a day, steps of life. The Settlers reconciled the First Peoples’ culture, language, the Medicine Wheel and the land. Reconciliation is a process and action that the government deep apologized to the First Peoples for what they did. It is not only an apology but also is a way to undo the damage as possible as the government can and they promised that will not happen again. Also, reconciliation is a way to promote the First Peoples’ culture and communities to the public and eliminate the gap between the public and them, and the stereotype of the First Nations. From this essay, it shows the concept of reconciliation from personal experience, the reading concept and the action for reconciliation to promote and protect the First Peoples.
Additionally, in my projects, both in and out of school, I have always thrived to be a good leader that fits what my group or team needs. I step up when it is needed, and I always try
Being involved in everything I do, my leadership skills have developed naturally through experience. I can think creatively and critically and offer advice to others. Through past mistakes and other’s opinions, I have learned to make my failures into successes. Through many organizations and extracurriculars, I have gained many perspectives on various topics. For instance, at BAE Systems, I take part in hands-on learning with other students who are as dedicated as me. This allows me to learn new perspectives in a cooperative environment. We constantly communicate with each other, sharing our ideas on how to solve the task at hand.
Since starting school at the University of Memphis, I have begun to learn who I am as a person. In my Academic Strategies class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have learned about my strengths as an undergraduate student, areas that I would like to improve, and my preferred learning style. Mr. Bailey gave me an assignment called the “Learning Style Inventory” where it indicates your strongest points and the sections that need refining. After completing LS1-8 on the Learning Style Graph my strengths for my preferred learning mode blue is planning, creating models, defining problems, and developing problems. I can become a more balanced learner through all four modes if I practice characteristics of each one. For example,
Being a leader was never my strong suit, but I often put myself in situations that required me to improve. I would frequently see my younger family seeking advice but were often discouraged since they felt uncomfortable asking their elders. This led to me becoming their mentor because I experienced similar issues first due to being a first generation student.
I have grown myself into a good leader. Although, I will never stop wanting to grow in my leadership skills. When I think of who a leader is I see someone who is a good example to others, all the time. Someone who knows what they are doing and always does the right thing. I have become kind of person.
Before now, I never really thought about being a leader. I always believed a leader was someone at the top, making decisions like a general in the army. The summit gave me a lot different perspectives on what a leader actually is. One thing that was said that really stuck with me was, “your college degree isn’t just for you. It is also for all those who come after you.” It was then that I really understood what a leader is. A leader is one who works their hardest to become the best person they can be, so they can set an example for others and help those who come after them.
Throughout this course, I have learned several things about myself as a leader and about a leader in general. I feel like I now have the ability to point out many strengths and weaknesses I did not notice before. Strengths such as being able to find better ways of doing certain things, spot things that may or may not be really working, motivating team members, and working great under pressure. Some of my weaknesses include resisting change, constantly working within a group, because I always tend to feel like I'm doing either all or most of the work, and sometimes micro managing in an attempt to help/coach closely. Sometimes the micro-managing is unattended but at the same some things don't get right in time unless you keep a close eye on it.
I occupy my time in clubs and activities that both captivate my interest and are most important for my peers and me. These include but are not limited to my positions in Link Crew, Student Council, and Senior Board. They range from Senior Class Representative to Vice President. Many of my teachers and mentors have identified a characteristic of mine as a great leader, and I wanted to improve on these skills. I don't dominate discussion or action, I simply guide it. I take all of my positions seriously and always bring my best attitude; my leadership methods distinguish me from other
I firmly believe that the people i've surrounded myself with have helped me become the person I am today. I think that they have helped me become a leader in my own right and have pushed me to achieve reach my full potential. The passion that I have has forced me to be the leader i am in the sense that i push for the goals I know are reachable and it has also allowed me to be the leader that compromises when it comes to the people I work with. I’m adaptable, positive, and i maximize where and when I
How have you grown as a leader? Be specific and try to use examples of your leadership in and
Over the course of my studies I feel I have grown as a teacher leader. I no longer take leadership opportunities for granted. The courses here at Lamar have shown me that no matter if the leadership opportunity is formal or informal it still can have an enormous impact on student success. I also attribute my growth to the additional
As I reflect on the results of the assessments mentioned above, I have learned that my character traits persuade me to be a leader that looks after the well-being of all individuals, teachers and students. It can also be determined, that as a leader I will abide to policies and procedures and be able to make arrangements in order to collaborate and come to a consensus to reach a positive outcome. Furthermore, my hardworking character will strive to
Everyone can be a leader! Leadership is something I hope to enhance in the next few years. I believe that everyone has the capability of becoming a leader, in which can be in many different ways. While currently enrolled in Career Leadership Academy part 1, there are many aspects I’ve learned about what leadership is, how it is viewed, how to improve, and strengths I have as an individual. Through surveys and readings in Introduction to Leadership (Northouse, 2015), and using the Strengths finder assessment to figure my strengths as a person individually, I can learn how to focus on those areas when working with a team. In an effort to maximize and utilize my strong suits, it can very well help me become a better leader in the foreseen