
Reflection Of A Watcher In The Classroom

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For this lesson I started with having the students gather in the library in order to read the story to them. The students have a word watcher that they use when they are reading their books. The word watcher is a plastic candy cane and I used that for this lesson to activate prior knowledge. I held up the candy cane and asked the students what they see. I had some students comment that there is a red strip on the candy cane. The students also noticed a white strip, and then they noticed that the red and white create a pattern. I asked where is the pattern on the candy cane, and they showed that the red and white strips move continually up the candy cane, it just continues in a swirling motion. The students also commented on how if you turn …show more content…

I kept the candy canes until the art lesson. I placed the candy canes on each student’s desk before the students came back from recess. This allowed the students to get to the lesson right away. I did have them get out their scissors and liquid glue. Once the students had everything out, I told them to hold their hands up so I could see that they were ready. I used this classroom management strategy so that I could clearly see who was ready. I had created a candy cane so that I could do the activity with the students so they could clearly see what needed to be done. I started by having the students cut the red strips. It was interesting to see how students did this. Some would cut straight across, and some students would have cuts that were slanted. As the students were cutting I was walking around and was commenting and how their candy canes were looking so far. I had the students place all the red pieces on the white candy cane. Once most students were finished I told them to take off every other red strip. I told the students that it is really important for the element of space that you leave the red pieces where they where. This will add the element of line into our candy cane. After that I had the students glue down the pieces. Once the pieces were glued on I had the students take the brown square and cut out a circle for the head. Then the students were told to put eyes and a mouth on the circle. It was very interesting to see

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